- Perimeter doors unsecured: 13th Street - 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM – F Street 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM
- Main garage door opens at 5:00 AM, visitor parking on P-1 level
A Visitor Processing System, "Kastle Front Office", connected via the Internet to the base building monitoring company is an integral part of the access control system. Kastle Front Office permits the on-site security staff to process visitors at the main lobby desk by viewing information and customized instructions maintained in a central database. Tenants are able to pre-authorize designated visitors in order to facilitate the visitor's appointment to the tenant. This system also creates a log of visitors to the building that have been processed.
Upon entry to Columbia Square, Visitors are to report to the main lobby desk where they will be asked to present photo identification. Once the visitor is confirmed, either through Kastle Front Office or a phone call to the tenant, a visitor proximity card and identification badge will be issued. Visitor's that have been issued a proximity card can use the card to enter and exit the elevator banks via the Security Entrance Portals, and to access the tenant floor on the elevator. Visitor proximity cards should be returned to the tenant reception, the main lobby security desk, or dropped into the collection slot on the Security Entrance Portals. Proximity cards are audited on a daily basis and all passes not returned or otherwise not accounted for will be deactivated from the system.
If a Tenant Employee uses their own proximity card to let a visitor through the Security Entrance Portals, it is the responsibility of that Tenant to also assist the visitor in exiting the building by physically escorting the visitor to the main lobby.