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All Emergencies 911
Hines Property Management Office (202) 383-8888
Building Security / After Hours Emergencies (202) 383-8911
Fire Department (Non-Emergency) (202) 673-3320
Policy Department (Non- Emergency) 311

WPS Disaster Management Solutions 

WPS Disaster Management Solutions provides comprehensive emergency planning and response solutions for buildings and their occupants. With over 40 years of experience, WPS offers detailed trainings on fire safety, earthquake safety, tornado safety, bomb threats, active shooters, and more. 

Please contact the Hines Property Management Office for the Emergency Action Procedures. These procedures have been tailored specifically to the needs of the building and the building's emergency personnel. 

Tenant – Floor Warden(s)

Each tenant must appoint a floor warden or wardens, who are responsible for the supervision and evacuation of individuals from their office to the recommended assembly area. This individual will partake in the annual fire and life safety webinar training to ensure they are prepared during an emergency. 

Please contact the Hines Property Management Office to appoint a floor warden for your office.